February 23, 2011

Forks Over Knives

Last night I attended a screening of the new documentary, Forks Over Knives.  I've been wanting to see a film about vegetarianism purely based on health reasons for quite some time...and here it is.  Too often, people are automatically turned off to arguments for vegetarianism/veganism because of the ethical implications.  There's no arguing with this film - it's based on scientific research and long term case studies.  

The two primary physicians featured in the film are Dr. T. Colin Campbell and Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn.  Dr. Campbell is the co-author of The China Study, the most comprehensive study ever done on diet and disease.  And Dr. Esselstyn has helped countless people reverse heart disease, cancer and diabetes solely through diet and exercise.  

The filmmaker also goes through a diet overhaul, lead by Matthew Lederman, M.D., and Alona Pulde, M.D.  These two physicians help their patients get off of their medications, lose weight, lower their cholesterol, improve heart function and increase energy levels just by switching to a plant based, whole foods diet.  I wish every physician could see this movie.  I once asked a physician about some nutrition advice and she told me she really knew nothing about it, she'd only had one nutrition based class in school.  I was in college then, and it was my first red flag that Western medicine tends to treat the symptoms and not the underlying issues.

There were lots of great sponsors at the screening - wellness centers, animal advocate organizations, organic juice suppliers and several vegan restaurants.  Loving Hut, a vegan chain restaurant with a location here in Chicago, provided vegan spring rolls and cupcakes for the occasion.  Who doesn't love a chocolate cupcake (especially an organic vegan one sweetened with unbleached sugar)? 
Here's the trailer for the film.  Check their website for screenings - if you have the chance to see it, please do! 

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